av Ingvar Björnlund | mar 30, 2024 | Europa Samarbete, Senaste
CMFE march newsletterView in browser March 2024 A Milestone Year BeginsCelebrating 20 Years of CMFE and Reflecting on the Power of Community Radio Photo by Bogomil Mihaylov on Unsplash Dear Members, Supporters, and Friends,As we step into the promising...
av Ingvar Björnlund | feb 16, 2021 | Europa Samarbete, Senaste
February 2021 Celebrating Radio in our Lives Photo: Sergio Santimano – for UNESCOAll over the world RADIO has been celebrated before, on and after February 13, World Radio Day. Stories of change, celebrating the role community radio can have in the lives of...
av Ingvar Björnlund | feb 3, 2020 | Okategoriserade, Senaste
Här kan du ladda ner kallelsen till årsstämman 2020. Stämman kommer att äga rum under mediadagarna 2020 den 24 till 26 April på Hotell Kusten i Göteborg.
av Ingvar Björnlund | aug 11, 2019 | Europa Samarbete, Senaste
From 4 – 7 June 2019 the team around the SMART Erasmus+ project held its first training of trainer pilot training in Budapest, Hungary. The training workshop hosted 10 participants from Hungary, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark, Ireland and the Bask...
av Ingvar Björnlund | aug 11, 2019 | Europa Samarbete, Senaste
Urszula Doliwa, vice-president of CMFE, took part in the meeting between researchers and activists on community media in Barcelona organised after the IAMCR Conference in Madrid (July 16, 2019): The IAMCR Community Communication and Alternative Media...
av Ingvar Björnlund | aug 11, 2019 | Europa Samarbete, Nyhetsbrev, Senaste
CMFE GA: September 20th in Siena, Italy CMFE will hold its next General Assembly in Siena, 4 to 6 pm, on the 20th of September 2019. We hope to see many of our members there and you find more info in your mail. The GA is held in conjunction with the next conference of...